The preset-based plug-in instantly makes your voiceovers or vocals sound amazing by taking care of all EQ and dynamics.
TNT Executor's ease of use and sound quality makes the job of every sound engineer (in a hurry), podcaster, vlogger, youtuber or audio book producer instantly simple.
TNT Voice Executor is a unique plug-in that offers quick and intuitive voice track editing. Despite the simple appearance, there are multiple effect modules inside the tool. The plug-in contains complete dynamics controls and EQ, drive and delay. The modules settings are pre-set by TNT Studios. The effect is controlled by only three knobs. After loading the preset you only set up the input and output volumes and the effect amount, and off you go.
TNT Voice Executor takes into consideration various possible applications. No matter whether you‘re mixing singing, rap or spoken word, the effects gives you quick and perfect results. The presets in the first version are gathered into four groups. Each of them contains several variants for both male and female voices. All you have to do is set the desired input and output volumes (using the I/O meters), choose the preset and tweak the amount of effect that will be applied. The right side of the plug-in shows which effects are engaged and how much gain is being reduced. To maintain the simplicity of use, no other controls (except advanced calibration in the service menu) are included.